Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dark places and shadows

Here's a poem from a while ago. It's one of those ones that when I read it now it makes me think, "Gee, who wrote that? Couldn't be me, makes my skin crawl a bit." I'm not really sure where it came from, one of those dark places we all have I suppose...

On a pleasant note, I have my first 'follower'! (Sounds rather cult-ish doesn't it?) How exciting. Hello, Mara, thanks for joining.   :)

corner shadows

cowering in the corner
of our winter’s discontent
lime legs spider-crawl
creating elongated silhouettes
flies stick in honey and eyes
open hunger creeping in the shadows
elusive sleep shivers
a death rattle, maybe
later buried in a pine box
scratching at the corners
tips numb, rubbed raw in a frenzied effort
a dash for freedom
dashed hopes and resignation
in the corner

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