Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Season's bleetings

This time of year always brings out a little bit of the bah-humbug in me. Don't get me wrong, I love the catching up with friends, good food and good cheer but is it necessary that we do this to amongst whiny, tinny-voiced Christmas carols?

Not being an advocate of Christian festivals, I appreciate that maybe I'm being a bit biased but they're everywhere and they're HORRIBLE. Either 'canned-laughter' cheery or morose and I can't decide which is worse.

With that little rant off my chest, I should add that I've had a lovely 'season' so far. Friends and family joined us at our block for a Summer Solstice barbeque, we exchanged presents with family yesterday and Christmas day will be spent with my sister-in-law's family, after which I will really need to join the gym and watch my kilojoules! I'm also planning on a little pre-New Year's resolution because I have to submit some poems to the literary mag, Going Down Swinging before the end of the year. Deep breath, here goes nothing!

Season's greetings to everyone, whatever season you're celebrating!

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